Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Top Five

You'll see this a lot. If you'd like to leave your answers, please list them in the comments, but don't forget to list the number of the question you are answering.

1. What event in your child's(ren's) life made you feel you earned your title of Mother?

Keeping it together when Philip fell and scraped his face. We were at a parade, it was bad, there was blood, I was huge pregnant and had to hold him while two policemen, four firemen and two nurses looked him over. He was vibrating from the shakes, it was so awful. But I didn't cry...until he was out of sight later!

2. There is always a comment or statement your parents made that infuriated you when little. Have you caught yourself saying one of them yet?

"Hold your horses!" HATED that. And I say it. A Lot.

3. Have you ever started laughing while trying to admonish your child for bad behavior?

All the time. Because he'll smile and start saying, "Mommy, you a funny when you loud."

4.  What's the best response you've heard in a while?

I said, "Oh, Philly, you're so stinky!" And he said, "No, I not. I'm a butt." My husband lost it while I tried to correct him saying he was not a butt. Then I lost it, too.

5. If you could send your child to live with a TV figure for a week in order to help with their behavior, who would you choose?

Kate Gosselin from Jon & Kate Plus Eight. She is a marvel. And maybe she could get him to eat something besides peanut butter.

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